Sebastiano Serafini Top Ten Last Year’s Resolutions 2014

Last Year Resolutions…


1) Perform at 10 different venues, including one-man live.

YES!!! Wayyyyy more then 10!

2) Going to south Italy with my sister this summer.

no ;(

3) Visiting at least some of the following Countries: Indonesia, Mexico, Philippines, Malaysia, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Peru…

Malaysia only…

4) Going back to at least 5 of these places: Los Angeles, New York, Hawaii, Thailand, Taiwan, Guam, Saipan, Singapore, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Seul, Dubai, London, Paris, Osaka, Nagoya, Sendai…

LA, Thailand, Korea, Osaka, Nagoya, Paris, Hong Kong, Sendai, Guam

5) Release some Music Videos.

2 and more to come soon!

6) Wear the outfit that NAOTO had promised to design for me a couple of days ago.

I’ve changed my style, so the collaboration never took place.

7) Try to eat chocolate only once/week (IMPOSSIBLE) or go to the gym at least 4 times/week (REASONABLE)

… so so…

8) Design a New Necklace.


9) Become a better DJ


10) Reach 1.000.000 likes on Facebook (I will be happy with 1/2 of it too)

610.000 … Not to bad

I will make my 2015 Resolutions these days 🙂

3 thoughts on “Sebastiano Serafini Top Ten Last Year’s Resolutions 2014

  1. Oh, dai sei riuscito a fare quasi tutto! Mi dispiace soprattutto per la vacanza con tua sorella!! Ma dai, forse ci riesci quest’anno… così torni anche un po’ in Italia! 😛
    Un abbraccio, Seba!!!

  2. Hey seb…kun? Idk whay to call you in japanese, sorry (._.) im not a japanese anyway *insert meme yao ming’s face here*. Does your sister looks like you seba? How does it feel to be a younger brother? Are you guys quarelling ALOT? Like punching each others ? (^_^)=o*hyper punch* (x_x) or playing sumo together? Thx 😉

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