Sebastiano Serafini – You can never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore

You can never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore. -Christopher Columbus


Refusing to leave the shore when attempting to cross the ocean is equivalent to a person wanting the rewards of seizing the day, without seizing the day itself. If we truly want to earn the rewards that require large risks to be taken we have to be willing to take these large risks. Too many times people expect rewards and things that people only receive when they take a few chances, without taking any chances at all.

If a person is not willing to take risks, and to seek out opportunity in their lifetime then they are refusing to live their lives all together. True enough, it may be easier to sit back and live your life without taking risks, and without going through open doors that you are unsure of, but in order for a person to be truly satisfied one must follow his heart and be willing to take risks, in order to see the biggest rewards possible.

You can find Sebastiano Serafini on Facebook, Twitter. Instagram, Google + and Youtube as well.

One thought on “Sebastiano Serafini – You can never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore

  1. Ciao, Sebastiano!
    Toh, oggi andiamo con la frase di Cristoforo Colombo! 😉
    In effetti può risultare difficile staccarsi dalla riva, da tutto ciò che conosciamo e ci fa stare al sicuro… e curioso pensare come queste cose talvolta sono al centro delle nostre lamentele: ci annoiano, vorremmo cambiarle, ma… ecco che appena ci si presenta l’occasione per mettere in pratica questo desiderio quelle stesse cose ci sembrano indispensabili, troppo care e troppo comode per potercene separare…
    Questa estate ho fatto una piccola prova, una stupidaggine, ma sono tornata a casa con la testa piena di queste conclusioni che affiancavo ai tuoi vecchi post in cui parlavi di questo dover correre rischi e affrontare cambiamenti… ci sarebbe da scrivere un sacco!!! Eh eh…
    Un abbraccio, Sebastiano! Spero che lì proceda tutto alla grande e che tu stia bene!!!

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